In loving memory of
Sean Christoper Robertson
Passed away on Saturday, September 14, 2024.
Sean was a devoted and loving husband, a dedicated father, a beloved son, brother, and a true friend. Sean had an exceptional way of making every person he met feel special. His quick wit, boundless energy, and infectious laughter made spending time with him the highlight of anyone’s day.
Sean grew up in Ottawa, attending local schools and Brock University, where he made life-long friends. After earning his master’s degree from the University of Queensland, Sean pursued a career in the International Organization of Migration, which allowed him to make a global impact as the Regional Business Partner for the Americas. He loved working all over the world, but no matter where his work took him, his heart was always with his family and friends.
More than anything, Sean’s devotion to his family was what truly defined him. He adored and loved his wife, Mariel, ‘mi amor’, with so much dedication and passion. His love and commitment for his three children – Gabriel, Charlie, and Kate – was unparalleled. His family was his world, and the love he had for them was endless and beautiful.
With his gorgeous hair, movie-star good looks and signature charm, Sean could light up any room he entered. He never wasted a moment on negativity. He had a special gift for turning ordinary moments into extraordinary memories, filling them with laughter and joy. His love for life was contagious, and he spread it through his unmatched sense of humor.
Sean was passionate about sports; he loved baseball and had an unwavering loyalty to the Toronto Blue Jays. Music was his joy, and he always had the best playlist ready to go!
Sean leaves behind a legacy of laughter, love, and kindness. Though his time here was far too short, the memories he created and the lives he touched will last forever.
He was a light in this world, and though he is gone, that light will continue to shine through everyone who had the privilege of knowing him.
Sean is survived by his loving wife, Mariel; his three children, Gabriel, Charlie, and Kate; his mother, Kelly; his brother, Brook, sister-in-law Jennica; nephew, Bodhi; and niece, Harlow. His mother and father-in-law Delia and Pedro, and brother-in-law, also Pedro.
A celebration of his life will be held at Devou Park on the 19th of September at 12PM.
You stole my stuff and never gave it back, even after you promised you would. Your took it for good now, which is the biggest joke and so like you. We’ll miss you more. We miss you more. See you next time, my fine duck.
Los siento mucho Mariel
Te conozco desde hace unos años y desde muy joven sé la fortaleza que tienes, sin embargo esta situación es distinta cuando se tiene hijos, ese amor es muy grande y aunque no cocnoci a tu esposo se podía ver lo buen padre y pareja que era y será, y te dijo será porque aún no esté físicamente su aprendizaje quedarán en ustedes para toda la vida, espero que cada vez que veas a tus bebés puedas sentir su mirada y amor, y que ese sea el camino para fortalecer tu corazón. Te envío un fuerte abrazo. Gerardo Escalante.
Sean’s warm smile and professional yet humane approach will always stay with me. My heartfelt condolences to the family.
An incredible human
Thank you Sean for all your energy, enthusiasm, jokes, laughter and support. It’s true what everyone says about you, you had an exceptionally rare gift of being able to make people feel good just by being in your glow. I will miss you and thank you so much for being an amazing colleague.
Elizabeth (IOM Staff Welfare)
Padre ejemplar
A pesar de que compartí muy pocas palabras con El señor Sean, me queda el recuerdo de cada tarde que llegaba con sus niños, con Charlie tomado de la mano,
Le decía “Hi Charlie ” y ambos saludaban con una linda sonrisa.
Era muy bonito verlo jugar en cancha con su hijo más grande, siempre dándole consejos, corriendo y en especial disfrutando del momento, siempre con una energía única, una sonrisa que reflejaba su felicidad al compartir esos momentos especiales con sus niños.
A su esposa le deseo mucha fortaleza en esta triste situación.
Dios será su guía para ayudarla a llevar adelante este duelo y seguir llenando de amor a sus niños como siempre lo han hecho
Such a positive energy
Sean, I remember from the first time we met this incredible positive energy you were bringing, so full of enthusiasm, passion, love. It looked like anything was possible, and you were able to transmit that hope to everyone in the room. I also remember the last time I saw you, in May, with many colleagues from the region, where you proudly showed a picture of your last baby and said “That’s what keeps me up at night” (reusing the DG’s quote to describe what are the things that really matter to you). I must say, since you left, you are the one who keeps me awake at night as I can’t believe you left us so early. You can be proud of all the good things you brought to this world.
My deepest sympathy for Mariel, Gabriel, Charlie and Kate.
Rest in peace Sean – Your light will keep shining bright for all of us
Dear Sean,
You are one of those rare people you meet only once in a lifetime, with a strong and beautiful light. I didn’t have the opportunity to spend much time with you, but the few times we met in the virtual HR meetings and during your visit to Guatemala, you brought so much light to our work. Each virtual meeting was brightened by your joy, enthusiasm, and unique spirit. The space you’ve left behind will never be replaced; I will always remember your positivity and joy with great affection.
You encouraged us to participate and share our concerns and challenges to find solutions together without pointing fingers; everyone was important to you. That example of a great boss, mentor, and excellent human being will stay with us forever. Thank you Sean, for all the love you gave to the HR community at IOM. I will never forget you!
My deepest condolences to Sean´s wife Mariel and his children. As everyone has mentioned, Sean always spoke of his family with so much love; this is another of his great virtues. Thank you Sean for being such a great role model of a loving human being and excellent professional!
Rest Well
Sean, still hard to believe you left us this soon! You were an amazing , supportive and cheerful colleague, your charisma and laughs will always be remembered . We won’t have another Sean you will be missed dearly .
Rest well Sean.
Mariel, hijos y familia
Mariel, lamento profundamente desde lo más profundo de mi corazón que estés atravesando este difícil momento. Por ti como mujer, esposa y madre.. por tus hijos.. por tu familia y la familia de Sean. Ha sido una noticia que me ha impactado profundamente. Pido a Dios y a la Virgen lo reciban en su regazo y a ustedes los llene de la fuerza necesaria para atravesar ese dolor y salir adelante con energía, resiliencia, agradecimiento eterno de haber tenido a Sean en sus vidas y recordarlo como lo merece. Tienen unos hijos hermosos. Recibe mi abrazo. Lo lamento mucho.
To Sean and his Family
Hi Sean,
I am very grateful we met, worked together, shared good moments, talked about interests, opinions, ideas, plans…
I´m very sad that you left this world, but I believe you will keep living with us, in our thoughts, memories and hearts. I also believe that you can protect your family from now on even more.
I miss you already. But there are many people who love you, and after these tough times of grieve and pain, will stay bright memories, warming love and, I hope, peace.
Dear Mariel,
We met on your baby shower this year, I liked you immediately and was very happy to be part of that celebration. But now I’m deeply, truly sorry for your loss. I’m sending you my support, I hope you will feel, if not now, then maybe later, some good energy and sympathy, that I and others would like to share with you. I also wish you more strengths, hope, patience and love to go through this. And again, my deepest condolences. I wish I had never written this…
With love and grieve,
We will miss you Sean
Thank you, Sean, for all the love and enthusiasm with which you always showed us. My condolences to your wife, children and family. Rest in peace dear friend.
Daniel Lee.
¡Para mí nunca te fuiste! ¡¡Solo te ascendieron de posición!!
¡¡Gracias por ayudarme con el nombre de Uplift!! Y te felicito porque tu esposa es lo mejor del mundo
Gracias por los concejos que me diste para cuando nazca Mi hijo ..
En tu Memoria tu creación
Mariel Robertson: Te tengo el nombre del gym
Mariel Robertson: Créditos a Sean jajaja
Uplift your health
Uplift your self
Uplift each other
Uplift the weights
Uplift your game
Uplift your mental
Uplift your physical
Uplift your style (clothes)
Uplift your relationships
I don’t know if your doing science at the lab, but here we Uplift each other
An awesome guy that leaves a lasting impression
I will forever remember you man! The times we spent together in Australia, Switzerland and visiting countries across Europe will always be fond memories. All our FIFA games and the banter we shared, I will hold those memories dearly in my heart.
I was happy to know that you had settled down and become a father. You have left us far too soon and it’s hard to accept.
My deepest condolences to his entire family.
SEAN: Sociable, Energetic, Always Happy, Natural
You will always be my favorite IOM colleague. Though you may have left us too soon, you have been an inspiration to all. Your kindness will remain in our hearts forever, and it will be a great memory that can never be erased. It’s hard to process, but everything happens for a reason, and I believe that you also held this belief. Keep shining from above. I can imagine angels giggling with you up there. I will always pray for Mariel, Gabriel, Charlie, and Kate.
Rest in peace my dear kuya.
Love always – your forever Ate.
Mis sinceras condolencias
Que el Señor brinde el consuelo y fortaleza a toda la familia. Que lo acoja en su regazo para la eternidad. Todos quienes le conocimos siempre lo recordaremos con esa inmensa sonrisa que iluminaba cualquier lugar.
Con cariño
Argelis Branch
Querida Mariel
Nunca he sido buena para dar condolencias, sin embargo, debo decir, que aunque solo tratamos unos pocos meses en las clases de beisbol, donde vimos todo el amor dedicacion y animo que minuto a minuto, porque no era un papá que solo se sentaba a ver el entrenamiento, el alentaba a Charlie y a Gab y hacer lo mejor, les daba sus impresiones y los animaba, a seguir, a cada batazo que daba Charlie se le escuchaba gritar A LO PROFUNDOOO NO NO NO NO NO NO, DIGANLE QUE NO A ESA PELOTA… daba risa pues en su tono inglés se escuchaba muy comico… Siempre sin descanso 4 horas al pie del batintin porque Charlie siempre queria mas y además debian esperar a Gab salir de su Práctica… Ahora lamento no haberles grabado en esos momentos… Mariel nisiquera puedo imaginar tu dolor… Lo siengo muchísimo… Paz a su alma.. Nuestro apoyo inconducional… Se les aprecia mucho…
Irma y Massimo
My Deepest Condolences
You were always a big bundle of joy to be around, Sean. You were positive, upbeat, and enthusiastic, and you had a wonderful sense of humour. You were also very kind. I’m so sorry and sad that you’re not still here with us. I will continue thinking of you and celebrating your life and positive impact on my life and on so many others. Mariel, Gabriel, Charlie, Kate, and your entire family are in my thoughts and prayers. Thank you for your kindness and good nature. I know you’re smiling down on us.
My condolences to Mariel, Gabriel, Charlie, Kate, Kelly, brother and Janica. Tíos Pedro and Yadi
Sean was one in a million man, you could notice him from afar. He left this world so soon, he left your lives so soon. Know that in this house, we are thinking of you all. He will never be forgotten. He will live forever in our hearts. I am sorry for your lost. He was a Role model to Carlos since the moment we met him during my pregnancy, best dad and husband…Our deepest condolences to y’all. Carlos and Maria Vero.
Sending my love
I was lucky enough to have met Sean my very first day at Brock U, and life was brighter from that day on. I am sending my love to Mariel, Kelly, Brook, extended family and friends. I know there are a lot of broken hearts with this incredibly difficult loss.
Thank you for all of the laughs and memories S-Ro. Will miss you my friend.
Tu luz seguirá brillando
Maye, tengo la seguridad de que la alegría y energía de Sean seguirá por siempre brillando con sus hijos y todos aquellos que tuvieron la hermosa dicha de conocerlo. Nuestro sentimiento y oraciones están con ustedes. Veronica y Ricardo
Goodbye Sean
Sean, thanks for being such a cheerful and professional colleague. I am shocked you leave so early. Wish your family all the best. Take care, wherever you are.
A Nuestros querido Coach Sean
Cuanto sentimos tu perdida. Oramos porque Dios sea su soporte en este momento tan difícil que están pasando.
Sean fue pura alegría, fuimos testigo del gran padre y esposo que fue. Su familia es reflejo de ese amor tan lindo entre Sean y tu Mari.
Sus hijos solo muestran la ardua labor de padres presentes que aman a sus hijos.
Extrañaremos a nuestro Coach Sean, alentando o corrigiendo a nuestros hijos y motivándolos a ser grandes beisbolistas.
Dios estara con ustedes, El suplirá sus necesidades.
Aqui te esperamos Mari!
Te queremos mucho.
Diana, Iker y Oli.
Mis más sentidas condolencias ante tan repentina pérdida, en lo poco que llegué a conocer a Sean vi en el un hombre genuino, lleno de amor hacia sus hijos y su esposa, facilmente recuerdo haber conversado con él mientras entrenaba a Charlie y le dije que cuando me tocara mi turno de ser papá queria ser como el, un hombre en el que su familia encontrara soporte, alguien a quien sus hijos amaran siempre, me rompe el alma que pasen por todo esto tú y los pequeños, un abrazo grande, me quedo con los buenos recuerdos de Sean y lo gran persona que fue, que su memoria no desaparezca y que en sus vidas exista siempre el recuerdo de la gran sonrisa que le daba a todos a quienes los conocimos. PAZ AL ALMA DE NUESTRO GRAN AMOGO SEAN
In loving memory
Mariel, las palabras se quedan cortas en estos momentos. Que D-s te de mucha fortaleza y que siempre recuerden a tu esposo con amor y alegría. Te mando un abrazo fuerte, a ti y a tu familia! Lo que necesites, cuenta conmigo!
Full of energy
Sean, I will remember your energy! Thank you for support during this time and this contagious energy of yours. To your family, my sincere condolences.
In loving memory of Sean
Dear Sean
Your absence leaves a void that can never be filled, but legacy will live on in the hearts of everyone who had privilege to know you- Rest In Peace
Bon voyage dans l’au-delà, Sean!
La séparation avec un être cher est un évènement particulièrement difficile à supporter. Ton départ nous attriste tous. Tu as été un bon collègue, une bibliothèque ambulante pour l’OIM. Tu vas beaucoup nous manquer.
Mes sincères condoléances et ma sympathie renouvelée à l’endroit de la famille tes proches.
Esther Claude Exantus DESIR
Human Resources Assistant
Mis condolencias
Mariel te abrazo grande en este momento. Dios te dará la fortaleza, la paz y la resignación que necesitas para afrontar este momento tan difícil. Deseo que la felicidad de los años juntos puedan vivir en tu corazón como motor para seguir adelante con tus hijos. Lo siento muchísimo y mis condolencias a sus familias. Iyelin Gudiño
Nuestras Condolencias para la Familia Robertson Romero
Querida Prima Mariel,
No tenemos palabras para expresar lo que sentimos en estos momentos por la partida de Sean, sabes que a pesar de la distancia que nos separa físicamente, estamos contigo y tus hijos en pensamiento y en nuestras oraciones.
Sabes que cuentas con nosotros para lo que necesites.
Los queremos mucho,
Marlene y Pedro Pablo Herrera
Isa, beisy, gabriel y Juan
Querida Mariel y familia tuvimos la dicha de conocer a Sean un ser que trasmitía mucha alegría y sobre todo ENERGÍA, en el poco tiempo que compartimos con él sembró un cariño que llevaremos con nosotros siempre y hará que mantengamos ese recuerdo vivo, nosotros como familia solo tenemos la certeza que papá dios tenía un mejor plan para él en su paraíso donde no existe dolor, enfermedad ni mal.
Pedimos mucha fortaleza para todos y les mandamos un abrazo enorme lleno de mucho afecto
Missing you
I just dont have words, this seems to be so unreal. May God give strength to the family in this difficult time and may his soul rest in peace.
L’annonce de ton départ nous a tous profondément affectés, tu fus un bon ami, un professionnel, toujours disponible et à l’écoute, une bonne personne. Merci pour cette lumière que tu as été, veilles sur les tiens!
Gracias infinitas hasta el cielo Sean
Fue un gusto conocerte Sean, gracias por tanto, me quedare con los mejores recuerdos sobre el maravilloso profesional y ser humano que fuiste, un abrazo hasta el cielo.
Mis sinceras condolencias a su esposa, hijos, familia.
Con aprecio, Likza
Marcelo Pisani
Estimada Mariel, recibi mi sentido pesame para ti y familia. Una persona excepcional… de las que nos tocan por ser una gran ser humano en todas sus dimensiones… se le extrañara mucho.
Dear Mariel, I send my condolences to you and your family. He was an exceptional person… one of those who touched us for being a great human being in all his dimensions… he will be greatly missed.
My condolences to the family
El cielo ganó un Angel
Una persona con una vibra excepcional. Siempre recordándole a Mariel que tiene una hermosa familia, y ahora tendrán un ángel que los cuidará y protegerá por siempre. Sin duda alguna hará muchísima falta, pero será siempre recordado con mucha alegría y la sonrisa que lo representaba.
A mi querida Mariel
Amiga no hay palabras que puedan calmar todo lo que debes estar sintiendo en este momento, pero quiero que sepas que mi corazón está contigo y con tus hermosos hijos a quienes mando la bendición. Sabes que te quiero muchísimo, que te admiro por la mujer que eres y la madre maravillosa en la que te convertiste. Sean los cuidará desde donde sea que se encuentre y su recuerdo será tu fortaleza. Aquí siempre estaré para ti, aunque sea a la distancia y siempre esperando ese anhelado reencuentro, mi crazy querida compañera de tesis y miles de aventuras más. Fabiana.
La risa que iluminaba la oficina…
Conocer a una persona que ilumina como tu, es de 1 en 100000… querido Sean no podemos entender porque de tu pronta partida, pero si reconocemos y admiramos esa luz que fuiste en cada uno de nosotros… sabemos que tu legado en la vida de tu amada Esposa e hijos no se perderá nunca. Oro por la vida de tu familia, porque sus corazones tengan paz en medio de esta tormenta y porque ellos puedan saber que por ahora es solo un hasta luego. Te vamos a extrañar muchísimo, con cariño GB
El mejor jefe señor Sean
Con mi corazon en pedazo señor señor Sean el mejor jefe y me quedo con sus recuerdos esa persona alegre, amorosa dedicado asu familia siempre lo recordare . Las tortas los postres, recordare cuando asia esa pasta ala carbonada q era mi favorita tengo tantos recuerdos q lo llevare siempre con migo . Mis condolencia señora Mariel q el nuestro padre celestial melede fortaleza y asu familia tambien los quiero mucho pronto nos vemos.
Deepest Condolences
There are no words to convey how terrible this is. We are deeply saddened by the news of this loss. Know that however you’re feeling right now—sad, numb, guilty, tired, angry—it’s normal. There’s no right way to feel due to the loss of this attentive, collaborative, creative, goal-oriented, helpful, humble, problem solver and professional colleague.
Samuel ALMAZI / IOM HR Haiti
Dear Sean
I always enjoyed catching up with you. I will miss your energy, great sense of humor, and positivity. You made everyone feel welcome and heard. I will try to be just like that with others around me. You have left a lot of good memories in me. Rest in peace, my friend.
You just went ahead to keep lighting our path.
Everyone charts their own path in this life, and without a doubt, your path has been exemplary. Many of us make the mistake of focusing so much on being better professionals that we sometimes forget that behind a resume, we are parents, siblings, friends, passionate about art, sports, or anything that makes us happy. You were able to do all of this at once and help each of your colleagues as if they were lifelong friends. Each of us is very grateful because you inspired us to be better professionals by setting an example that we could also be better people. It is a mystery whether there is life beyond this one, but without a doubt, there will be light wherever you are because you will never stop illuminating the path of those who had the honor of knowing you.
Hasta Luego Sean
Tuve la gran oportunidad de conocer a Sean el año pasado en persona, la energía y alegría que transmitía era única, fue un excelente hombre y se que Dios lo tiene en un buen lugar, me siento privilegiado de tener un colega como Sean fue único en su clase. Mis mas sinceras condolencias a su esposa e hijos y al resto de la familia, Paz a su alma. HASTA LUEGO SEAN.
Rest in Peace my friend
My dear, dear Sean, my Hollywood looking colleague and a friend. I am heartbroken you left us so soon. I will cherish the memories of you forever. My deepest condolences to Mariel, Sean loved her and the kids so much. Mariel can always rely on me and IOM family. With love, Shirin
So incredibly sorry to you and yours. I had the pleasure of knowing Sean at Brock and working together at Big Bucks. He was 1 of 1. Not sure I will ever meet anyone with the same energy and love for life.
Rest in peace brother
Matty H and Alison
Your smile always in our memories
Dear Sean, you were a great colleague and friend. You made our lunches so much better with your funny stories, interesting conversations, and jokes. No matter how the day was going, you always had a smile on your face and great energy. This is how we will always remember you…sharing your happiness with others.
My sincere condolences and sympathies to his wife, children, and whole family.
Sending you love and strength
Sending you strength and support during this difficult moment. As a dedicated father, husband, son, brother, colleague he will be missed. Our hearts are broken for you, we stand with you and as a team we offer our support in any way that we can. You are in our thoughts.
A role model
Goodbye to a true colleague and a fantastic human being. Thank you, Sean, for always being so kind to me. You will be missed and your light will always shine.
My deepest sympathies for Mariel and the whole family.
Fabiana Paranhos
El amor es infinito mi Maye
Mi Maye hermosa, desde la distancia celebré el amor de tu hogar, todos estos años compartimos fotos, mensajes, vídeos y vi el amor tan grande que compartieron cada día. Su luz seguirá brillando en cada uno de ustedes porque el amor es infinito y traspasa barreras. Dios le dé paz y descanso a Sean y a ustedes la fortaleza de mantenerse unidos durante esta tormenta. Sean siempre vivirá dentro de ustedes. Los quiero y los abrazo desde la distancia.
RIP dear Sean
Hey man!! I saw you waving and smiling from the glass door of my office the other day. I wish we could have spoken one last time, a last strong handshake and a last friendly hug. Let me tell you something now, at least.
You have made the life of those who crossed your path better. Be proud of yourself as everyone here remembers you as a warm person, a great friend and caring colleague. I still hear your voice saying, ¨let´s do this! I´m in! I´ll help you out with this!¨
Such a wonderful person to be with and a remarkable human being!
To Mariel, the kids, the family, you too be proud of what Sean was, did and made out of his life. Siéntanse todos orgullosos de lo que él hizo con su vida!
RIP dear Sean
My greatest source of inspiration, my mentor, my friend.
The first time I talked to Sean one-on-one, we shared our dreams and future goals as well as our love about movies. There was an instant connection, and I knew we would make a great team. I will really miss our lunch chats and daily conversations, especially talking about Seinfeld, one of our favorite tv shows, talking with someone who understood my weird personality and believed in me when I didn’t. I promise to carry on your spirit by always caring for others and finding the beauty in life even during the darkest times.
Mariel, he always talked about you with so much love, your relationship will always be an inspiration for me and I know it will be for everybody that knew him. I hug you and your little ones, we are here for you, now and forever.
Thank you for your light
Sean, you were a great colleague with such an amazing spirit. I had never met an HR person like you before and for sure will never again. Thank you so much for always having the kindest words, a smile on your face and the will to assist others when needed. You will always be remembered and your light will shine forever here in Panama. May your soul rest in peace and I will pray for your wife and kids who will have to deal with the emptiness of your absence…
Heartfelt Condolences
We are deeply saddened by the passing of our colleague, Sean Robertson. His dedication to our mission at the IOM Regional Office in Panama was truly inspiring.
To his wife and children, please accept our heartfelt condolences. May you find comfort in your cherished memories of Mr. Sean.
With deepest sympathy, Jorge Miranda
Farewell Sean
Sean, thank you for the invaluable life lessons, for always lighting up the room you entered, for showing us how to live and enjoy life at the fullest. I will carry you light within me and remind myself to be the same for others.
May the eternal light shine bright for you always.
Mariel, no puedo empezar a comprender lo que tu y los niños están pasando. Cualquier cosa que necesiten, sin pensarlo dos veces, aquí estoy. Les mando un abrazo muy grande.
Will miss you
My sincere condolences to the family and I will have them in my prayers
Ytsel Natalie Schroeder
Love from Guleser
My dear friend Sean, you are loved beyond words and missed beyond measure. You are in our minds, forever in our hearts. You have left our lives, but you will never leave our hearts. Love always!
Sean Robertson
Dear Sean, we will miss you a lot. Thank you for everything. Rest in peace.
Most heartfelt condoleances
We crossed path with Sean a few weeks ago, had a quick lovely chat in between two meetings. We talked about our kids and the joy they bring. Please know that my thoughts are with you and your family during this difficult time.
A colleague
Sending love
Sean was a beautiful soul whose light shone brightly and too briefly. I am so saddened by his loss and send warmest love and sympathy – Alison x
Con el corazón contigo Mariel
Mi querida Mariel ,
No hay palabras suficientes para expresar lo mucho que siento tu pérdida. Aunque la distancia me separa físicamente, estoy contigo en cada momento. Mi corazón está contigo, Gab, Charlie y Kate, rodeándolos con todo mi amor. Sean era una persona extraordinaria, y sé que su luz seguirá brillando a través de todos los recuerdos que dejó en nuestras vidas.
Te quiero muchísimo y aquí estoy para lo que necesites.
Con todo mi cariño,