Robert “Rob” Johnson

Robert David Johnson, 39, passed away unexpectedly and far too soon on Friday, February 17.
Almost nobody knew him as Robert. Growing up in Elizabethtown, KY, he was Robbie to his adoring family and childhood friends. After graduating from Elizabethtown High School, he moved to Lexington in 2002 to attend the University of Kentucky and became Rob — a name he used throughout his career in market research and location analytics. His wife’s grandpa gave him the nickname Bob, which she lovingly called him until the day he died. His favorite name, and the one that suited him best, was Daddy — a title he first earned in 2017 and then again in 2019.
Rob loved cruising around the backyard on his John Deere tractor, playing golf with his friends, wearing shorts even when it was probably too cold to do so, and cheering for the UK Wildcats. He smoked the world’s best brisket, knew the lyrics to every single 90s country song, and could make his kids belly laugh like nobody else.
He is survived and fiercely missed by his wife, Kate Johnson of Villa Hills, KY; his two children, Graham (5) and Louisa (3); and his parents, Sharon and Harold Johnson of Elizabethtown, KY. He was greeted in heaven by his grandparents Julia and Lloyd Mattingly of Lebanon Junction, KY.
A celebration of life will be held later in the spring. In lieu of flowers, a scholarship fund has been established for his children. Contributions can be made online: com/cf3xi4 or by Venmo: @RobJohnsonKids
12:00 am
Robert “Rob” Johnson
Robert “Rob” Johnson
Address: ,Thursday
12:00 am - 12:00 am
Robert “Rob” Johnson
You Loved & Were so Loved
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Aunt Mimi here!
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